
[TSK] The Sunset Killers
57th Platoon -=[HaLF-LiFE SQuaD]=-
[UC] United Clans
[EFF] Clan - Half-Life & TFC
Welcome to TAMM
[RI] Raising Inferno
-MF- Clan
-X-Treme Domination
[TQM] The question marks
Bembel Boys
[ NeT ] Nuke elite Trooper
[SoD] Shriek Of Devil
[SO] Special Operations Team
-V- Veterans of Doom
[HLF] HalfLifeFriends
[KdL] Krieger des Lichts
-KR- Killer Rabbits
[UDS] United Defense Squad
-= German Inferno is back =-
Intro der Tourists of Terror
UDC - Half-Life und CS Clan
[MoV] Masters of Violence
Project Omega
The Questionmarks
Schröt Kommando - Gaming Clan dedicated to Q3 and Counter Strike
German elite Troopers ( Half Life & Counterstrike Clanpage )